PolyWhey® 3000 Wood Floor Sealer (in-store only)

Recommended for all interior bare wood floors and previously stained or coated wood flooring. PolyWhey® 3000 uses the power of natural whey protein to create a professional strength clear sanding sealer. PolyWhey® 3000 is easy to apply, quickly dries clear and minimizes both grain raise and tannin pull.

Product Details

  • Excellent abradability
  • Outstanding adherence properties allow compatibility with nearly all wood surface and stain treatments
  • Seals wood, minimizing grain raise and tannin pull
  • Quick-dry sealer with great coverage and easy cleanup

International Shipping

Vermont Natural Coatings PolyWhey© finishes are in use from Canada to Peru to Japan. Our international customers enjoy hassle-free, dependable ordering and shipping services from the Vermont Natural Coatings team.

For queries on international shipping, contact [email protected] or call us at (802) 472-8700.

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